Friday, June 30, 2006
I just did some poon
And not in the way that the boys would wish. Tonight I went out with a friend, her boyfriend, and the boyfriend's roomie. The roomie = n'est pas gentil. So my gfriend and her boyfriend took off in a dead we're-gonna-screw- dead run. And I don't blame them! I miss my Frenchman tonight. But they left me with the roomie, who when drunk can either a) come to blows w/said Dannielle and almost did tonight or b) be very nice. So the roommate was left behind; not so coyly grabbing my breasts and hitting on me. And so I decided to leave him, on some random street, asking him, "Are you a man? Are you afraid? Because I'm going home alone but if you're afraid I'll walk with you." With the total intention of ditching this creepy grabbo. So I left him, only two blocks from my house, on my bike, realizing that I HADN'T PAID MY TAB. The horror. I am freely and willingly able to abort the rules when given the chance, but I do not - I repeat, do NOT, leave a tab. So I call 411, got the name of the bar, and apologized. I then disassembled my bike, loaded it up, and drove back. Upon my arrival, the bar tenders were so excited that I came back, the three of us - Elisse, Nick and I - did a "poon tang." Which is like a mixture of some millions of alcohol and Red Bull (gag) but it was actually good. I did the right thing - and was rewarded w/more alcohol! Yeah for honesty!
Tuesday, June 27, 2006
RIP, little Dell
I had my brand new Dell laptop for a grand total of...SIX days. And yesterday, as I clicked "GOOGLE" to find a court reporting trade pub, it froze. It didn't just freeze though - even the mouse shut off and it was if I was suddenly in the movie powder. There was a flash of light, and in an instant, I knew that the Dell was gone. We tried to restart but the keyboard wasn't talking to the mother board. We tried to power-restart, to "close it's eyes" if you will. It wouldn't even powder back on. So we let everything sit and cool-down, knowing that these new Intel Centrino dual core mumbo jumbo processors are running really hot. And what did we get therefore? It quickly flashed the Latitude black and white startup, and then, a dark screen with a blinking cursor. The Dell had died, right before my very eyes! I guess if it had to happen, I'm glad it did it now, before I was months down the road and full of files. But now all my email is gone, my work so far, and I gotta be honest, I'm not a happy camper. It's like that new Mac spot with the PC and the Mac, and the PC freezes, "I'll go get IT," I said.
Monday, June 26, 2006
Please don't make me do it

Sunday, June 25, 2006
Congrats to the Keeme

Saturday, June 24, 2006
Halloumi is carried by "Whole Foods" markets!!! I asked the deli counter boy for some, he found one left and told me "I was very lucky." Apparently it's flying off of shelves. I wanted to point out to him that this isn't communist Russia and I wasn't looking for potty paper, I was looking for specialty cheese from Cyprus at a Whole Foods, but I was so excited I wet myself a little and ran to the express lane.
Friday, June 23, 2006
Eat my nummies

Halloumi = fucking orgasmic cooking cheese from Cyprus. It's very hard to find, I haven't found anywhere in Denver that carries it yet but it is unbelievably wonderful. I had some at Bristol Farms in Newport Beach and then we bought some to cook. A friend actually did them on skewers with other meats but you can cook it in a pan. It has a more fibrous consistency like tofu without the taste of feet and more like the taste of a first kiss. Find it, try it, love me! Wait, sorry, got carried away.
Mezetta, who makes some of my favorite pre-packaged salad treats is making new (whole clove stuffed) Garlic Olives MARINATED in - get this - brine and Napa Valley Chardonnay. Holy shit they're good; I have quite a few friends who love the gourmet green olives, these are awesome w/out the hassle of blue cheese stuffing.
Smoking Loon Merlot, a cheap but tasty bottle common in some areas as a nice house red, is a light, nice red to accompany any dinner. I love my chardonnay and if you're serving cold cheese with appetizers like veggies I "suppose" you should serve a white but tempt fate! I dare you. As a poor NOW EMPLOYED I am toasting myself with a nice light glass. I wanted to try some of this Chateauneuf du Pape comme mes amis, c'est trop cher pour cette fille.
Best lunch ever! I had a crab sandwich in Newport Beach with the delovely Shelly from AirFerg I had a traditional broiled crab sandwich that blew away our tiny pea brains, and when picking apart my rich and delicious dish we got the secret! Take sourdough (always best on the West Coast and San Fran, but you can choose a hard white bread, it might even be good with a bagette) and place it open faced on a pan. Baste with butter both sides of each piece of bread. THEN, sprinkle sugar on both pieces of bread. Use a light or lightly seasoned mayo if you choose on top of the sugar; place your cooked crab (we had blue) and place a slice of swiss cheese on each piece of bread. Broil. You will be a happy camper.
I just jammed my pants

"Cal honey, put your shoes on, we're at Grandma's. Where can I empty my hat?"
Tuesday, June 20, 2006
My first day!

- I don't spill hot coffee on anyone
- No accidental nervous toots in front of the new staff
- The Regal Beagle has no problems
- I kick some ass, of course, but first days are like finding out where paper clips and the potty are
- My monkey lungs arrive
Sunday, June 11, 2006
Intense body of work

Using a resin process called Plastination, Gunther von Hagen preserves the body with striking natural color and form. The bodies on display are quite artfully posed, using a combination of an action with the way in which that particular was dissected. For instance, a woman called "Angel" is posed with her trapezius and shoulder muscles lifted and upheld as wings, exposing inner organs from the back to the front. It was really intersting, and if you have the chance I would definitely encourage you to go. Lynn was more upset by the hair, many bodies still had fingernails, eyebrows, and eyelashes. That made them seem much more real and human. It was really intense and by the end I was quite ready to be gone.
Friday, June 09, 2006
Are you clipping like a bitch?

Hands on a miracle

Today's Song of the Day, in honor of my guest, is "Hands on a Miracle" by the Foo. The Foo Fighters, come on now. No one NEEDS a link for that. :)
Thursday, June 08, 2006
Taming the beast!
Monday, June 05, 2006
That's what has become of the Dannielle. I miss my friends, my beautiful friends who care about how I am and, in reciprocity, I care about how they are. Not in a way that you're interested about your great-aunt's aunt's husband, I care that my friends are okay, and not sick and hopefully happy - and if they're not I'll make sure they're okay. We each have our demons, some of us darker and more demonic than others. I am not scared. I was thinking of an ex-lover this week and how it felt to be in his bed. Unfulfilling yet lovely. I was thinking of those times that I hurt myself, hurt others. Today's song is "I Will Follow You into the Dark," by Death Cab for Cutie. I hope my readers are more happy than I this week.
Saturday, June 03, 2006
Friday, June 02, 2006
Arrrrrgh, time for yee to walk the plank

I am preparing for my big second job interview today, reviewing my portfolio and trying to find "very casual" but dressy clothes for my Starbucks meeting. So far this morning, I've already smashed my fourth toe, making it turn all purple under the nail, and woke up with pink eye...again! This gal is going to think I'm some kind of one-eyed pirate leper. This morning I woke up extra early, already nervous and kind of excited. I need this job! Oh, I need good luck...and some coffee!
Thursday, June 01, 2006
I am OUT OF BED! Whoo hoo!
With our hearts together but our hands apart
Today's song of the day might require a little searching, if you need help accessing it, email me. I listened to this song about 100 times on my drive back from Nebraska and it made me think of Lynn and my friends from home. And I cried - a lot. But it's a groovy little ditty. This is from Josh Ritter's first, self-titled album. Today's Song of the Day is "Paths will Cross." Enjoy!
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