Just spent a crazy day packing up the rest of my clothes. I had no idea to what extent I had become a clotheshorse. I would say clothes make up 78.592% of my processions. I have another seven bags of clothes and shoes to donate to my local city mission. My college roommate drove two and a half hours each way to help me sort, organize and prioritize. Yeah for the beautiful Patti! I needed it because quite frankly when it comes to other peoples’ things, she’s very good at management. And, if needed, she will offer to make a “decision” about something while I’m outta the room – taking away my guilt and indecision…as well as the wrinkled sweater I found on a park bench in college, that is too small and has holes but I just can’t bear to part with; oh! And that mesh cowboy hat, I don’t wear it now nor never have but its so cute and someday I might WANT IT, and these platform sandals.... Her rule of thumb - if you have to think about it, it goes.
Things I found today:
- A “cereal box” for an advanced branding design class, that I created with a (no lie) briefcase handle on the top; Reggio's Italian Biscotti Breakfast by Danni
- An old purse full of dust, lighters, pens, Altoids and contraceptive jelly
- 400 shoes, 300 mates
- a colony of dust bunnies that should be studied
- Full-length, black and white leopard print skirt
- Bank card I apparently never missed, subsequently given to Neil to test out the new shredder!
- A pair of tennis shoes exactly like the ones I wore today to clean out my closet
Danni - don't forget about finding that picture of one Sen. Brown... it was a rare pleasure to shred that :)
Ah, i should have scanned pammy's picture first! Holy cow. I can't believe I didn't! Well, it was cathartic to watch you throw that image into your shredder. :)
More contraceptive jelly!!!
Yes "Lynn Batten," whoever you may be...More random contraceptive jelly applicators found during the moving process. ROFLOL
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